Freedom’s just another word for “not sure what to do”
NPR’s new ethics policy allows its journalists to advocate publicly for “the freedom and dignity of human beings.”
How Local Media Spreads Misinformation From Vaccine Skeptics
Facebook and other social media have been under scrutiny for vaccine misinformation, but local outlets have also sometimes been active.
What we can learn from the best examples of immersive journalism
Immersive journalism hasn’t experienced a steady upward curve in newsroom uptake: after the initial hype, many immersive teams moved on to other industries willing to fund experiments after tech collaboration dollars dried up.
Trusting News is now taking applications for a new (free) Trust 101 course: Earning trust with communities of color
The Trusting News team is hosting their Trust 101 class with a new focus. In a four-week class, they will look at concrete steps newsrooms can take to build trust with communities of color.