Reinventing Local TV News: The Case for Video Innovation and Animation Part I
The storytelling formula adopted across the local TV news industry looks similar to what’s been used for generations. Yet the possibilities for innovation are growing by the day.
Research: Local news innovation focuses on streaming, social and coping with COVID
Close to half of local TV news directors and half of radio managers report any innovation their station took on during 2020 was to cope with COVID.
Can the News Be Fixed?
The movement to repair Americans’ broken relationship with the news media.
NewsLens 2020: How Americans Process the News
Learn more about people’s news habits in this blog post analyzing the report’s findings by Calvin University Journalism Professor Jesse Holcomb.
The local news crisis will be solved one community at a time
“Though the collapse of community journalism is real enough, we believe that its causes are only partly understood.”
Legislators have reintroduced a bill to examine the state of local journalism
The bill would create a 13-member committee to study the state of local journalism and recommend to Congress actions to support the industry.
How journalists can avoid amplifying misinformation in their stories
We need new tools to ensure visual media travels in secure ways that keep us safer online.